Ryan Caperoon,

Managing Partner

As a financial advisor with Corbett & Caperoon Wealth Management, Ryan knows the importance of getting to know his clients so he can help them to achieve their financial goals. Ryan is a self-proclaimed people-person, and loves learning about each client’s personal story. He has learned that this ‘story’ can determine the best way to proceed in helping his clients set personal financial goals. He is especially passionate about asset management, retirement planning, insurance, and wealth management. Ryan also understands it’s not all about managing money. A trusted relationship with someone who truly listens is just as important.

Ryan grew up in Maryland and moved to Minnesota during middle school. Duck Lake became home, where he embraced all things Minnesota, from fishing to snowmobiles to hockey. Ryan was captain of the soccer team at Bethany Lutheran College where he earned his associate’s degree. He later transitioned to place-kicker on the football team at Minnesota State University where he earned his bachelor’s degree. Go Mavericks!

Ryan currently lives in Mankato with his wife, Leah, and their two children, Weston and Georgia. He enjoys passing on his love for sports to his kids, while coaching both their soccer and hockey teams. Ryan is a family man at heart, so when he’s not coaching or working on your financial portfolio, he enjoys spending time with them.

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